Leptospermum Outrageous

Leptospermum Outrageous

Philotheca Flower Girl  - 200mm

Philotheca Flower Girl - 200mm

Hardenbergia Free'n Easy


Hardenbergia violacea cv 'Free'n Easy'

A vigorous growing native climber with oval leaes and long delicate sprays of lacy white pea flowers suffused with lavender pink over winter-spring. 

Ideal for covering fences, walls and pergola's and can be used as a vigorous groundcover if no support is given. 

Pot size: 14 cm / 140 mm

NOTE: Potted plants can not be sent to NT, WA & TAS addresses due to quarantine restrictions.

More Information
Common Name Hardenbergia 'Free'n Easy'
Botanical Name Hardenbergia violacea cv 'Free'n Easy'
Position Full Sun, Part Shade
Height 2-3m
Width 2-3m
Flower Colour Lavender, White
Foliage Colour Green
Fragrance Nil
Cold Tolerance Frost tolerant
Flower Season N/A
Pot Size 140mm (14cm)
Origin Native
Likes Well drained soil, neutral to low acid pH
Swane's Says Water during extended dry periods. Prune hard after flowering. Feed with low phosphorus native fertiliser early spring or late summer.