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Grevillea Pink Midget

Grevillea Pink Midget
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Grevillea Pink Midget - 140mm
Grevillea Pink Midget - 200mm

Grevillea Pink Midget

An Australian native plant with small, attractive, pink flowers for most of the year.

Ideal for foreground plantings, rockeries or decorative containers. 

NOTE: Potted plants cannot be sent to NT, WA & TAS addresses due to quarantine restrictions.


More Information
Common Name Grevillea Pink Midget
Botanical Name Grevillea hybrid Pink Midget
Position Full Sun
Height 0.3m
Width 0.6m
Flower Colour Pink
Foliage Colour Green
Fragrance Nil
Flower Season Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Origin Native
Likes Well drained position
Swane's Says Plants generally have a compact habit, lightly prune as required. Supplementary watering beneficial in dry periods.