Correa Little Pink Belle

Correa Little Pink Belle

Grevillea Gingin Gem

Grevillea Gingin Gem

Grevillea Honey Gem

Only 1 left

Grevillea 'Honey Gem'

A beautiful grevillea that produces honey gold flowers all year round on fine fern-like foliage.

Pot size: 20cm / 200mm pot.

Grevillea 'Honey Gem'

Ideal as a tall contrasting plant.

Flowers last up to a couple of weeks in floral arrangements.

An ideal Australian native for a low care garden.

Flowers attract nectar-feeding birds.

More Information
Common Name Grevillea 'Honey Gem'
Botanical Name Grevillea hybrid
Position Full Sun
Flower Colour Orange, Yellow
Foliage Colour Silver
Fragrance Nil
Flower Season Spring, Summer, Autumn
Pot Size 200mm (20cm)
Origin Native
Likes Well drained soils
Swane's Says Immediately after flowering, prune back by at least 1/3. Tip prune during Summer.