Alyogyne Eastcoast Gem

Alyogyne Eastcoast Gem

Kangaroo Paw Bush Fury - Anigozanthos hybrid 'Rambofury'

Kangaroo Paw Bush Fury - Anigozanthos hybrid 'Rambofury'

Adenanthos sericeus 'Silver Streak'


Adenanthos sericeus 'Silver Streak'

Australian native plant: A desnse upright form of the Albany Woolybush growing 1.5-2m x 1-1m. Excellent screen or specimen shrub and in a conatiner makes a soft foliage alternative Christmas Tree.

Bird attracting and withstands coastal conditions. 

NOTE: Potted plants cannot be sent to NT, WA & TAS addresses due to quarantine restrictions.

Pot size: 14cm / 140mm 

More Information
Common Name 'Silver Streak', Albany Woollybush
Botanical Name Adenanthos sericeus 'Silver Streak'
Position Full Sun
Height 1.5-2m
Width 1m
Flower Colour Red
Foliage Colour Green, Silver
Fragrance Nil
Cold Tolerance Frost tolerant
Flower Season Spring, Summer, Autumn
Pot Size 140mm (14cm)
Origin Native
Likes Moist, well drained soils
Swane's Says Very low water needs once established.